Information regarding Language Lab:-
We have Multimedia Language Lab Software Consisting of two levels. The Lab is quite interactive having all types of activities of basic Language and Communication skills. Introduction of Applied Chemistry Chemistry is a soul of all branches. Without its knowledge one cannot think beyond the scope. Chemistry has always taken the initiative to bring about the applicability of chemistry in their respective engineering subjects. The students are taught in a way which will help them to inculcate in them a sense of analytical thinking and to channelize their thoughts to a specific direction. Chemistry is inextricably linked with civil and mechanical engineering as it is the discipline which deals with forming new substances from different basic materials. Chemistry is used in many ways in computers also for example we use many elements like silicon, zinc, aluminum, copper etc., in designing and in developing the hardware of computer. Chemistry is important in many electronics fabrication and packaging methods and may one day help extend the trend toward faster and cheaper electronics by molecular electronics. Thus the students who get well versed in the basic concept of chemistry will be able to put up new projects with their conceptualized thinking. Such knowledge has always been a lightening torch in their path of success. Lab Details: As per the course content the lab is well equipped with all the essential apparatus and glassware. The experiments involve the testing of water for hardness, alkalinity, chloride ion etc. The percentage of Copper and Iron in the ore is obtained by carrying out volumetric titrations. Proximate analysis of coal is also carried out in our labs. In our chemistry lab, lubricants are tested for their properties like Flash and Fire point, Viscosity Index, Aniline point and Cloud and Pour point. The chemistry lab is well set with the instruments like Abel’s apparatus, Pensky Marten’s apparatus, Cleaveland’s apparatus, and Redwood viscometers etc. which are needed for the testing of lubricants. The consistency of grease is well estimated using Penetrometer. Introduction of Applied Physics The department of Applied Physics has well equipped Physics Lab with Experimental kits and Instruments like Plank’s constants set-up, Gas LASER, Optical Fiber, G.M. Counter, Optical and Semiconductor devices kit etc.nt of Engineering Physics Introduction of Applied Mathematics The Applied Mathematics, established in the year 2001. Applied Mathematics functions as a service agency providing support to UG & PG departments and lays a sound foundation for learning engineering & technical subjects. The aim of Applied Mathematics is to inculcate analytical skills in mathematical sciences so as to enable the students to apply and formulate in solution making approaches of their technical subjects. Definitely the learning of mathematics will enhance and widen the mathematical aptitude, analytical skills, logical reasoning and systematic thinking of the students.
Designation: Assoc. Professor (APPLIED MATHEMATICS) & Vice Principal
Qualification: B.Sc., M.Sc.
Research Interest: Special Functions and Optimization

Designation: Professor (APPLIED CHEMISTRY)
Qualification: B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Research Interest: Kinetic and Mechanistic Study of Oxidation Degradation of Fluoroquinolone Antibacterial Agents in Aqueous Medium

Designation: Asstt. Professor (APPLIED CHEMISTRY)
Qualification: B.Sc., M.Sc., B.Ed.
Research Interest: Industrial Chemistry Biology, Engineering Chemistry, Disaster Management

Designation: Asstt. Professor (APPLIED CHEMISTRY)
Qualification: B.Sc., M.Sc.
Research Interest: Polymers, Atomic Structure, Nano Materials

Designation: Assoc. Professor (APPLIED PHYSICS)
Qualification: B.Sc., M.Sc.
Research Interest: Quantum Physics, Mechanism

Designation: Asstt. Professor (APPLIED PHYSICS)
Qualification: B.Sc.
Research Interest: Optics, EMFT

Designation: Assoc. Professor (APPLIED PHYSICS)
Qualification: B.Sc., M.Sc.
Research Interest: Electrostatics and Electromagnetic

Designation: Professor (HUMANITIES)
Qualification: B.A, M.A., PhD
Research Interest: Structuring of Oppression in the Novels of Toni Morrison

Designation: Asstt. Professor (HUMANITIES)
Qualification: B.A, MBA
Research Interest: Translation and Interpretation, Poetry and Poetics

Designation: Asstt. Professor (HUMANITIES)
Qualification: B.A, M.A.
Research Interest: Phonamatics